Meet Our Team

Photo of Madison Aitken
Photo of Madison Aitken

Dr. Madison Aitken is an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Developmental Psychology program at York University and a clinical child and adolescent psychologist. Prior to joining the Department of Psychology at York, she was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and a Scientist in the Cundill Centre for Child and Youth Depression at CAMH, where she remains a Collaborator Scientist.

Lab Director

Madison Aitken, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Google Scholar

Staci is a Master's student in the Clinical Developmental Psychology program. She joined the lab after completing an Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Western University.

Current Students

Staci Berman

Master's Student

Nour is a Master's student in the Clinical Developmental Psychology program. She joined the lab after completing an Honours Bachelor of Psychology at Concordia University.

Nour-El-Houda Rarrbo

Master's Student

Liana is a 4th year Specialized Honours student who is completing her thesis in the lab. Her research interests are in the area of adolescent mental health, particularly interventions. She will be spending the coming months refining her thesis topic.

Liana Coutinho

Honours Thesis Student

Mohammad is a 4th year Specialized Honours student who is completing his thesis in the lab. His research interests are in the area of mental health and neuropsychology. He will be spending the coming months refining his thesis topic. Mohammad joined the lab as a volunteer research assistant in 2023 and continues to assist with various research projects.

Mohammad Usmani

Honours Thesis Student

Photo of Neeti Sharma
Photo of Neeti Sharma

Neeti completed an Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Toronto. Based at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Neeti supports the operation of ongoing research projects and data collection.

Research Staff

Neeti Sharma, HBSc

Research Analyst

Photo of Daniela Carvalho
Photo of Daniela Carvalho

Daniela completed an Honours Bachelor of Life Science at McMaster University. She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences at Western University.


Daniela Carvalho, HBSc

Volunteer Research Assistant

Abisha is a 4th year student majoring in Kinesiology & Health Sciences and minoring in Psychology at York University.

Abisha Arulselvan

Volunteer Research Assistant


Volunteer Research Assistant


Research Staff

Neeti Sharma

Honours Thesis Students

Shyamali Banga

Riya Nair


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